Friday, January 23, 2009

Yes, We Still Have Phone Directories...

We have two major phone directories. The WHITE PAGES list people according to their homes and residences, and the YELLOW PAGES list businesses. Now, you will need to have your local white and yellow pages directories with you, because you are about to do an orchestrated search on them.

First, pick up the white pages directory. Open it to ANY PAGE OF YOUR CHOICE.

How old are you? Go down the list of names and look for the entry number that corresponds to your age. That person will be your lead character.

Now, pick up the yellow pages directory. Open it to ANY PAGE OF YOUR CHOICE.

Which business has the biggest ad on that page? Use this as your setting.

Go back to the white pages directory. Flip to ANY PAGE OF YOUR CHOICE. How old are you again? Start from the end of the page and work your way up. Look for the entry number that corresponds to your age. Now, you have the name of your villain.

Ready? Write your story! Keep it as short as you possibly can, but be sure to explore your characters' lives and backgrounds, and describe your setting as accurately as possible. If your setting is within reasonable travel bounds, you can even go there and take down notes.

Good luck! Post your stories or links to them in the comments section.

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