Friday, April 10, 2009

The Unblocker of Hopes and Dreams

Whenever a lot of people hear that something is therapeutic, they mistakenly assume that it is for healing and recovery from something sad or hurtful. Therapy, however, can also help you reassess your life and see where you are headed, and if you are actually doing the right things as you head in that direction. Vague? You can think of therapy as one way to keep yourself in check: have you accomplished your goals? How much more must you do to get to your end point? How successful are you?

In this unblocking exercise, you will write the biography that you want to have. You are going to talk about your hopes and dreams. All you need to do is to write as much as you can, whether you are using a pen and paper, or a computer. You only have to keep on writing and not stop until you are out of breath and happy with what you have written.

When you are done, keep a copy of your unblocking exercise. You will need it as a constant reminder of your goals. Here is the first sentence (or, if you like, the theme) that you need to use.

This is the story of the life that I want to lead.

So, what is the life you want to lead? Write it all out, keep on dreaming, and happy unblocking!

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